poster design

publication design


Spring 2022

click to view flip through video

When you search for ‘slow’ synonyms on the internet, some of the first words to appear are lazy, stagnant, lethargic, passive, apathetic, drowsy, reluctant, and the list goes on. In refutation, I hereby associate ‘slow’ with waiting for the seasons to change, observing a candle burn, letting clothes air dry, watching a snail cross the sidewalk, curating a really good playlist, fermenting some cabbage, and the list goes on.

The demanding, fast-paced society we live in has always seemed to overwhelm me more than encourage or inspire. We’ve been taught from an early age that our worth and success is directly tied to our production. As a person who values a nice cup of coffee and a jigsaw puzzle much more than a career, I am constantly terrified of my future. I came across the concept of slow living, and as an avid self-help book reader, I was immediately captivated. Slow living is not a new concept, mom blogs have been preaching at us for a long time to pop on a face mask, take deep breaths, and go on more walks. But I knew there was more to learn, so over the past year I began to adopt and practice slowness in my own life.

unbusy is a collection of my thoughts and experiences on slow living. The ultimate ode to all of the self-help books I’ve read that never influenced me; my own self-help book to put an end to all other self-help books.

The Incomplete Manifesto for Growth

Spring 2021

The Incomplete Manifesto for Growth was written by designer Bruce Mau on beliefs, motivations, and strategies for creatives. This publication recontextualizes the manifesto in a flip book form that is constantly asking for attention. With colorful details, oversized binding rings, and handmade textural clay beads, this publication is purposely made to never be sitting comfortably, always demanding to be picked up, held, read, and reread, to constantly inspire.

click to view flip through video


Spring 2020

A five week collaborative process exploring fabric. Each group memeber created a 16-page signature highlighting their process and discoveries and it all came together in a hand coptic stitched publication. During this time I focused on the relation between fabric and memory, just as threads act to weave a piece of fabric together, individual experiences and memories weave a life together. I refelected on this idea, and told the stories of the fabric I own and the meaning they hold for me. 

click to view flip through video of my signature


Beachfires USA Album Artwork

Winter 2024

Worked with local Richmond musician to create a cohesive set of work to promote his new record. We focused on themes of finality, memory fragmentation, timelessness, loss, and family dynamics.

River Fox Realty

Winter 2023

In-progress work for a promotional package with River Fox Realty, based in Richmond, VA.
This project is aimed to attract more potential home buyers and sellers to River Fox, highlighting what they have to offer clients, and what makes them stand out as a real estate agency.

Speak Listen

Spring 2021

Speak Listen is a made up online forum where people can anonymously leave their spoken words on different topics of discussion, and the website will change your voice, but still share their stories.

This project was created when face-to-face interaction and deep conversations were limited, and I was constantly searching for ways to bring people closer and mimic intimacy while still maintaining safety during a pandemic.

click to view video

Jackson Ward Lil’ Free Grocery Concept

Fall 2020

This project was made to address food insecurity in the Jackson Ward neighborhood of Richmond. As a group we researched and proposed locations, mockups, sketches, and an identity for several potential mutual aid pantries around the community.